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Happy 10th Birthday and New Year wishes

Ten years ago at this time I was in labor and managed to get my epidural just in time to ring in the new year of 2008. Alafair was born via c-section at 9:15 the next morning and I was showered with hair and makeup done before the paper arrived a few hours later to take my picture. Drugs are good.... sometimes.

If you told me that was three years ago I would believe you, ten seems impossible. However I have a beautiful, sassy little girl who will always remind me of exactly how old she is and tomorrow I will celebrate her endlessly.

I could make this a sad post and tell you all of the awful things that happened the year before Alafair was born, and I could tell you all of the awful things that happened this year and how I can only hope 2018 will be better. But every year has awful things and every year has wonderful things and 2018 will be no different.

For the first time ever in 2017 I got to take a vacation with my best friends and it was fantastic and one of the highlights of my year. My second novel was published and I wrote a third. I met some incredible people and have formed friendships that I never expected. I've learned more about myself, my career and my relationship with God than I would have believed possible in such a short time.

2018 is going to bring challenges and heartbreak, it's going to bring joy and blessings. It's going to bring loss and abundance and tears and laughter.

I won't say I'll be grateful for all of it. I won't be thankful for the losses even when they serve my best interests. But I will be thankful for the friendships, strength and faith that gets me through the hard stuff and I will celebrate even the small wins like I won the lottery.

I hope the coming year is good to us all and I hope even when we give up on losing a few pounds or eating more salads that we can still be kind to each other and worry about our own lives a little less and help our neighbors a little more.

Blessing to everyone and Happy New Year!!!!

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